Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Was an Orphan Who Adopted the World

...so why is adoption in modern muslim era such a huge, complicated issue? why is it not a noble deed? is it a noble deed? do you know of any muslims who are pro-adoption or who have adopted?

..coming soon..


  1. i'm pro-adoption and will adopt someday. :D

  2. I've known Palestinians to adopt, but they weren't Muslim. My grandfather and his brother have adopted children, one of them being my mother. I think adoption is hard for anyone irregardless of religion. It is a scary thing, adopted children don't have that instant bond with parents that biological children may have.

  3. My parents have very mixed views on adoption. Adoption of a girl that is not your blood is difficult because of when she comes of age. Adoption of a boy is difficult because of your blood daughters you may have. I, personally, do not understand the nuances and difficulties associated with adoption in the religious/Muslim sense.
