Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Speak in Colors

I Speak in Colors
I’m neither white nor black, I’m brown.  And I often talk about brown people.  In fact, when I’m with brown people I talk about us as collective brown people, and when I’m not with brown people, I feel the need to elaborate on the humorous things about brown people which make us special and the cultural things that make us unique.  As a huge fan of Bollywood, I also love to educate people on brown music and demonstrate brown dancing, slightly, by doing the famous ‘pet the dog screw the lightbulb’ move.  Brown people never mind when I say things about brown people, because they get it.  Strangely enough a group of white people were offended when I once used the term ‘brown’, and I didn’t get that because as a brown person , I hold the right to call myself and my people brown.   Living in white America, the black and the brown and the white discourse always come about.  Somehow I’m comfortable with speaking in colors.  Because it gets the point across.  White people are one thing.  Black people are one thing.  Brown people are one thing.  There are other colors too of course, but for now I’m just sticking to these three.  The point is, the colors convey  somewhat of a collective similarity in each  group. 

I am so used to talking about people in colors that I fail to realize how brainwashed I am with the fake man made construct of race, living in America.  How the construct of race and color defines identity and the living experience of daily life in America.  How absolutely unnatural and absurd it is to define your living experience using the colored boundaries.  I didn’t realize how unnatural and absurd speaking, thinking, and living in color was until coming to Palestine and having to look at my closest Palestinian friend in the eye, to struggle coming up with answers to her simple questions “What’s with the colors? Why do you talk about people in colors? It’s so weird”. 

“What color am I?” she asked.  I am about to answer “brown” when I see the look on her face that tells me, that it's a rhetorical question with no sensible answer.  One of her sisters has blonde hair.  What color is she?

I think about my students.  Pierre, one of my 4th graders, is a white freckled kid with bright red hair.  Palestinian. When I look at him through my American eyes, and think about my perspectives shaped by the exposures in America, nothing about Pierre says “Arab”.  If I saw him in America, I’d classify him as a white kid.  Yara, one of my 5th graders, is a student of mine who some teachers say looks like she could be my daughter.  Her skin tone and mine are the same and she’s got similar facial features.  She looks brown.  Again, fully Palestinian.  If I saw her in America, I’d classify her as brown and Indian.

In Jericho, there are dark skinned Arabs who are “black” by my American lenses.  As I think about my friend’s quizzical question, and her smirk and slight distaste with my speech, especially coming from me,  from the land of the free, home of the brave, so called “melting pot” United States of America, where supposedly diversity and culture is focal, I struggle to make sense of my mental frames.  And as I reflect on her question “Why do you speak in colors?” the only answer I can come up with is “How can I not?”.  An Asian American’s experience in America is different from a European American’s experience, which is also worlds apart from Black Americans.  I try to tell her that race is something in America that is definitive.  Every application, every survey, every census will ask you about your race.  As  young, educated, minority students or young professionals in America, we feel more inclined to talk about race, to get it out on the open, to feel empowered by our colors or backgrounds or experiences in America to voice those narratives. 

The first time I ever saw a black person was when I moved to the States at the age of nine.  I went to an inner city Brooklyn school, P.S. 152, and there were maybe 3 other students my color and the whole school thought we were related.  Most kids were black.  And I remember distinctly my mother telling me to not play with the black kids.  As a kid, I didn’t understand, because I would think but I’m not white either.  I’m neither white nor black.  And people always seemed to talk about the white kids and the black kids.  Cafeterias would also always be white or black.   So when I finally identified myself as ‘brown’ and finally attended a high school with a significant number of ‘brown’ kids, and found my first ‘brown’ best friend, it was ownership of my minority experience that I had not gotten before.  In a strange way, it took a long time to identify myself as brown American.  Brown meant , people like me.  and American meant white, people not like me.  It took years to reach the point of being comfortable in the color of my skin, my culture and race, and my national citizenship. 

Suddenly all those  discussions with friends, programming and coordinating and sessions of different 'diversity' programs and ‘progressing’ in dialogue about race, and color, and racism and stereotypes in college as a young activist, seem so silly that I feel embarrassed as an American.  Because none of that should actually matter.

 As I reflect on my friend’s question, I start thinking, why do we focus so much on color and race? How truly strange it is that, that fake construct of our identity means so much.  The experiences that we have in our skins is not fake, but the construct of it is very much an intangible and baseless construct.  In Palestine, everyone is Palestinian.  Some are light complexioned, others dark, and most filling the whole spectrum of skin colors.  There are comical stereotypes about the villager or the “falaheen” accent, or the stubbornness of people from Hebron, or the people from Nablus who love to gossip, or people from the north who are extremely conservative.  But no one here talks about color.  Everyone is Palestinian. 

I wonder if we can ever reach that point in America.  And I understand that quiet smirk in my friends voice and eyes  as I hope for America by looking at the example of people living in Palestine.



  1. the social construct that is race as we know it originated way back in the day with hindu caste, aryan vs. dravidian. hence white supremacist adoption of "aryan" as their moniker of choice when they weren't being politically correct. my point is, racism, "racialism" to the brits, is of worldwide scope, not limited to the americas. of all people, an 18th century swedish botanist named carolus linnaeus created the modern taxonomy of race: white europeans, black africans, red americans, and yellow asians. with some slight modifications, linnaeus' taxonomy is at the root of white instigation of the world's conflicts the last 500 years or so, the scramble for africa, conquest of the americas, colonization of asia, and so on. so it's not really about america.

    also, i'd like to add, in light of your palestinian friend's snide dismissal of race as "weird", that her nemesis, israel, thinks in these terms. the anglo-american superiority complex over the indigenous red american and kidnapped black african, the boer and british superiority complexes over the indigenous black south african (indians like gandhi too), both mirror the white askenazi jewish superiority complex over (mainly) brownish arabic palestinians. settler colonialism, whether manifest destiny, apartheid, or zionism, thinks in colors, nor are their thoughts in colors as benign as yours, fahmida. :) perhaps your palestinian friend would do well to think in colors too. at least, as a defense mechanism against her zionist enemies who sure as hell think her color inferior to their own.

  2. to keep it short, my friend did not have a snide dismissal of race, it was of color. and i think its pretty fantastic that she doesnt think in color. the world would fare off better if it didnt.

  3. Do you think b/c of a racist past here that color in the US describes more than just skin color? Has color become more of a descriptor of culture? For example, the "black" church I think of as a particular thing (and yes I do think of mainly black people going there but thats not why I'm thinking about mainly). Another example is when someone says oh he acts "white" or "black".

  4. I do believe it would be better to stop thinking in color. Here in America being non-white is becoming a good thing and it's giving the boot to many white people making them feel alien. There is a huge rise in white girls going to tanning beds (and also in skin cancers) because they want to be darker since this what we consider beautiful. In India and Pakistan being white is considered beautiful leading many women to try and bleach their faces with creams and keeping them in doors so they don't get a tan. Maybe if we stopped speaking in colors we could all see that we are beautiful by reflecting on ourselves rather than on our reflections in the mirror. Not only but being Bosnian & Muslim people talk about those "white people" in front of me which often is offensive since beginning with this leads to saying something negative. When I point out I'm white the reply is usually "oh but you're Bosnian & Muslim." It doesn't matter that I am those things, the problem is that I am white and you just clumped me into a category.

  5. When I wrote this, it was writing raw thoughts purely in the form of reflection, with certain things that questioned my way of thinking. it's very much on the surface. i realize that the context of both places, palestine and america are very very different. yes, unfortunately color has turned into representing some kind of culture, and people have taken ownership of that as a form of recognition and empowerment. but this is in america, where we've successfully gotten rid of the indigenous people and have constructed society of 'settlers', where a structured system of racial hierarchy exists.
    in palestine, people are not competing to prove themselves palestinian, they are the people from this land, so the color thing amongst palestinians would never mean the same thing as it would with americans.
    i realize that, however, im amused by the heavy-ness of this almost silly lingo.

  6. Great article Urmy and very well written, I never stopped to really truly think about our use of "colors" in the US...and yes it is in that minority/majority context. In the Bay Area "People of color" is a huge term to use as a collective solidarity grouping...but as one of my best guy friends said, who is a white/syrian mix..."should we include everyone, and not just certain groups? What about me?". I think he had a good point, as do you!

  7. fahmida, i agree with you, that racism is a most unfortunate ideology, and that the world would be much better off without it. i do look forward to that day, hopefully in the not-too-distant future. meanwhile, race and class and sex are the world's fundamental social problems. it's just too easy for us well-educated persons of color to not "think in colors". we do have that privilege. but our poorer less upwardly mobile fellows who still suffer from racial discrimination, as black and brown people, don't "think" so much as "survive" in colors. often, if they're lucky. so, just to clarify, i'm arguing that we should continue to think in colors out of solidarity with them. this applies to palestinians as well, methinks. as for me, so long as there are people on this planet who are hated and despised as negroes, i'm a negro. i feel you fahmida, i hate racism as much as you do. but in our day and age, to be a person of color and not think in colors is wishful-thinking in my opinion. if we would be in solidarity with the proletarians and peasants who suffer in colors, we must engage in what sartre called "anti-racist racism."

  8. lol taru, i agree with you. i do think in color and i dont think there will be a time that i won't think in color, based on my ethnicity, background, where i come from and where i grew up and how that has shaped me as a person. i think it would be a fascinatingly different world view and world, if we somehow were not pushed so hard into a position where we do think about it so aggressively.

  9. Yes, but what if one day in America we didn't talk about race? I spoke with the director of the Census. It won't be too surprising if that question comes off of the Census. The point of our Census after all is the apportionment of representatives - which has nothing to do with race.

    Is a black child with white parents black or white? I feel like, our identity, is our family, how we are raised, our beliefs - religion and morals, which might have something to do with race, but not completely.

  10. The point of the Census is absolutely NOT just apportionment of representatives. A huge objective of the census is learning about the different make-up of people in the US with the goal of apportioning funding and other resources to communities.

    The race/ethnicity questions on the census are also used to assess racial disparities in education, economics, and health. This is incredibly important information that helps our country's leaders measure how far we have come in reducing these disparities. It would be a tragedy to lose that valuable data simply because it sounds more poetic to 'not talk about race anymore.' However, I seriously doubt that any high ranking official would even entertain the notion of removing the questions, if not just for these reasons but also because the questions are necessary to ensure compliance with the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Acts. Whatever director you talked to either misspoke or you misinterpreted what s/he said.

    Also, Stephanie, in response to your methodology criticism, respondents are able to choose as many designated races as they would like, as well as write in any other race that they feel they identify with.
