Tuesday, July 6, 2010

back in the classroom

the 2 week lull in Amman somehow abruptly ends today.  The super nice lady here who has taken care of me like i'm her daughter found me a language center to go to and start taking Arabic classes.  When I showed up to the center, they thought I was there for English lessons until I opened my mouth at which point they told me the cost of the Arabic program followed by asking me if I wanted a job.

And they said "great you're interested! do you have time to take the test?" so i took some 3 hour long proficiency test and then was told that I start working "TOMORROW" as in TODAY.  Back to the classroom for me (I'm both nervous, excited, jittery and anxious to face a classroom full of faces, where things going wrong or right is dependent on a split second neglect sometimes).  Now I'll be teaching intensive English, each 2 hour long lectures/classes/conversation for 2 class periods a day, and then taking a 2 hour long arabic course in the evenings.  And this all happened in a day! Whaaat!

wish me luck


  1. OMG good luck... your life is a freakin roller coaster!!!!

  2. hahaha i'm so lame i just so this comment lol
    thanks Walid :) can't wait to see you soon hopefully!
